VMT Project
ijCSCL Journal
new book
Research at Drexel
Research in Europe
Research at Colorado
Research Previously

Gerry's web site

Gerry Stahl

Associate Professor

College of Information Science & Technology 

Rush Building -- Room 409

33rd & Market Streets (physical address)

Drexel University (map, directions)

3141 Chestnut Street (mail address)

Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA  

215-895-0544  (phone)

215-895-2494  (fax) 

http://GerryStahl.net (web)

Gerry.Stahl@drexel.edu  (email)


The Virtual Math Teams Project

at the Math Forum @ Drexel

bulletThe Virtual Math Teams (VMT) home page
bulletThe Math Forum: mathforum.org
bulletThe VMT wiki -- BlackBoard -- Web Spaces for teaching & research


international journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

bulletThe ijCSCL home page
bulletco-executive editors: Friedrich Hesse and Gerry Stahl
bulletsubmissions accepted directly, or submit to CSCL 2005

new book

Collaborating with Technology:

Mediation of Group Cognition


book preprint from MIT Press

bulletEssays on collaboration and Technology (CSCL, CSCW)
bulletSection I. Design of mediated collaboration
bulletSection II. Analysis of mediated collaboration
bulletSection III. Theory of mediated collaboration


Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

bulletmy writings on CSCL (see new book for revised versions of most)
bulletISLS (International Society for the Learning Sciences) website     
bulletCSCL 2003 conference in Bergen, Norway, June 2003 website
bulletAn interview with me at the CSCL 2003 conference (QuickTime movie).
bulletCSCL 2002 conference in Boulder, Colorado, January 2002:
bullet     Conference Proceedings (pdf)
bullet     Conference Program (pdf)
bullet     my paper at CSCL 2002
bulletCalendar for other educational technology conferences


bulletForthcoming book on collaboration
bulletSome publications on CSCL
bulletAn old selection of publications from 1993-2000
bulletBook chapters & journal articles
bulletConference publications
bulletDissertations (philosophy and computer science)
bulletComputer science technical reports
bulletSlide presentations
bulletResearch proposals
bulletPhilosophical interpretations
bulletOther cool ideas and passing thoughts



CSCL Graduate Seminar -- Spring '04: CSCL (INFO 780)


Undergraduate HCI 2 -- Winter '04: Human Computer Interaction II (ISYS 310)


Graduate HCI -- Winter '04: Analysis of Interactive Systems (INFO 610)


Undergraduate HCI 2 -- Spring '03: Human Computer Interaction II (ISYS 310)


Graduate HCI -- Spring '03: Human Computer Interaction (INFO 608)


Graduate HCI -- Winter '03: Human Computer Interaction (INFO 608)


Graduate HCI -- Fall '02: Human Computer Interaction (INFO 608)


Perspectives in CSCL: Artifacts Seminar -- Fall 2000: Topics in CSCL


CSCL: Philosophy & Practice -- Spring 1999: Readings in CSCL


CSCL: State of the Art & Beyond -- Fall 1999: Research in CSCL


A brief introduction

bulletresume -- web version (html -- with live links)     
bulletresume -- pdf version (11 page pdf -- for printing)

Research at Drexel 2002-2004

Research Presentations:

bulletCRIWG '02: "Groupware goes to school" La Serena, Chile
bulletICLS '02: "The complexity of a collaborative interaction" Seattle, WA
bulletCSCW '02: "Analyzing and representing the building of collaborative knowing" New Orleans, LA
bulletHICSS '03: "Negotiating shared knowledge in asynchronous learning networks" Hawai'i, HA
bulletEthnography in Education "From computational artifact to cognitive artifact: A micro-ethnographic analysis of students building collaborative knowing about a rocket simulation" Philadelphia, PA
bulletCSCL '03: "Meaning & interpretation in collaboration" Bergen, Norway
bulletIST presentation on Research & Teaching
bulletDrexel Research Day 2003 posters
bulletDeLFI '03 Opening Keynote "The future of computer support for e-learning" Munich, Germany
bulletC&T '03 "Can shared knowledge exceed the sum of its parts?" Amsterdam, Netherlands
bulletNSDL Annual Meeting of PIs "VMT poster" Washington, DC
bulletGROUP '03 "Can community knowledge exceed its members'?" Sanibel Island, FL
bulletDean's Circle "Building Knowledge Together" IST December 17, 2003. Including clip from Boulder public school and clip from Phila public school.
bulletAERA '04 "Collaborating with Relational References," San Diego, CA
bulletVMT '04 Four-day international workshop on Virtual Math Teams, Philadelphia, PA
bulletICLS '04 "Community-Based Learning Workshop" Los Angeles, CA
bulletICLS '04 "Video Analyst's Manifesto" Los Angeles, CA
bulletICLS '04 "A Model and a Game for Investigating, Designing and Teaching Collaborative Learning" Los Angeles, CA
bulletICLS '04 "Diversity in Virtual Math Teams" Los Angeles, CA

Research Publications:

bulletBook chapter: "Groupware Goes to School"
bulletJournal article: "Groupware goes to school: Adapting BSCW to the classroom"
bulletBook chapter: "Rediscovering CSCL"
bulletBook chapter: "Meaning and interpretation in collaboration"
bulletBook chapter: "Can shared knowledge exceed the sum of its parts?"
bulletBook chapter: "Building Collaborative Knowing: Elements of a social theory of learning"
bulletBook chapter: "Die Rolle von Kommunikationskonzepten für eine CSCL-Didaktik" ("The role of communication concepts for CSCL pedagogy")
bulletBook chapter: with T Koschmann & A Zemel, "The Video Analyst's Manifesto"

Funding Proposals:

bullet"Educational Online Communities for At-Risk Children" (foundations)
bullet"Catalyzing & Nurturing Online Workgroups to Power Virtual Learning Communities" (NSF ITR) -- funded 2003-2008
bullet"Collaboration Services for the Math Forum Digital Library" (NSF NSDL) -- funded 2003-2005
bullet"Group Knowledge Construction in Digital Library Communities" (NSF NSDL)
bullet"Studying Online Collaborative Learning at the Math Forum" (NSF ROLE)

Research in Europe

2001 -- 2002


CSCW Group at FIT - Fraunhofer Institute / GMD near Bonn Germany


BSCW Group and development of BSCW software

bulletITCOLE Project (Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning) of the European Union with partners in Germany, Finland, Spain
bulletThe Synergeia software system for schools in Finland, Italy, Spain, Netherlands

Research at Colorado

1997 -- 2001


WebGuide - web software for collaborative learning

bulletGamble Gulch: learning perspectives on the environment - a collaboration with NOAA and the Logan School for Creative Learning

State the Essence -  a tool for learning summarization skills

bulletAllowing Learners to be Articulate - a collaboration between L3D and ICS funded by McDonnell Foundation
bulletOrganizational Memory / Organizational Learning - an NSF research project

Research Previously 1966-1996
bulletWebNet: a collaborative information environment for LAN design.
bulletCIE: a corporate information environment to support ISO 9000 documentation management and total quality management.
bulletPersonalizable Software: independent consulting in software development, artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems.
bulletOptoNet: automated stabilization of holographic optics equipment for research in space.
bulletCrew: a case-based reasoning system to model astronaut behavior on deep space missions.
bulletTCA: a Web-based assistant for teachers to retrieve, customize and share constructivist curriculum.
bulletHermes: a design environment substrate to support interpretive processes of designers with hypermedia, perspectives and end-user programming.
bulletInterface design and development.
bulletNon-profit management software and consulting.
bulletSystems programming and application development.


bulletFamily & Friends
bulletRecreation and Home

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This page last modified on September 01, 2004